Saturday, January 5, 2008

#33 Express yourself through online art

This topic was just about having a bit of fun and it was, of course, hard to fit into my avowed aim of finding stuff that is potentially relevant to local and family history. I tried all the sites, Falling sand, Mr Picassohead, Snowflakemaker, and String Spin. Falling sand was very engaging to watch and it was fun to interact with as well as to seeh the inevitability of things coming together and then the changes that could occur with a flick of the mouse. Mr Picassohead was a fun application and one that I can see application for in youth services, but I found the Snowflakemaker fairly boring. String Spin in the version one was also a bit basic but I enjoyed version two where I could draw and it would create an increasingly amazing structure around what I had drawn. It was certainly fun to see some of the potential of the web.

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