Well it is nearly crunch time with Google Reader and I needed to start making some decisions about whether I really wanted to continue with a feed reader. I had decided previously that if I did I was going to go with Feedly. But did I really want a feed reader?
Once upon a time I read Bloglines daily and really relied upon it for my professional reading, news, food blogs, local and family history, film, news. You name it. It was such a useful way to get digests of everything I wanted. Well, actually mostly it is fair to say, as I still subscribe and regularly use a couple of old-fashioned listservs that I have been using since 2000.
Then I started to use Bloglines more erratically and things would bank up. @shewgirl and I used to have an ongoing joke about it. I had started to realize the benefit of Twitter and was starting to get most (but definitely not all) from there. I migrated my feeds to Google Reader once Bloglines was foundering but despite the fact that I could access these on my iThings I rarely look at them. I tend to get my reading from Twitter, a bit from Facebook and I subscribe to a few Paperli magazines to get a broad flavour. And, of course, there is Flipboard.
However, last night I read a Twitter conversation about the blogs for #blogjune. These people were just adding all the #blogjune blog urls to Feedly. Hmm, did I want to do that? So I thought about it. I must say one of the uses I still saw for a feed reader was for reviewing blogposts. One can subscribe to blogs and get individual email alerts. I do that with some blogs, particularly if there is a discussion going on that I want to stay part of, but I don't really want to flood my email inbox with lots more emails.
So last night while I was playing with my phone as I watched #aflcatssuns on television I loaded up the iPhone app for Feedly. What next? Ah I just had to connect to Google to sync all my folders and contents. I added a couple of blog urls that I had been reading. It all seemed quite an easy interface. Today I investigated it on Firefox and loaded it on my desktop. Again the way in was syncing with Google. It's a pretty bare desktop interface but not to worry as I really want to use it on the go and the app has obviously had more work done on it.
I am experimenting but I think that I probably will use it to monitor feeds from blogs - once I tidy it up a bit and get rid of stuff I no longer want or stuff I get elsewhere. I also need to investigate what happens when Google stops supporting Google Reader. At the moment I get into Feedly via syncing with that. Presumably there will be changed arrangements. I also have a feeling that this may be a topic later for #anz23mthings so that will provide me with an opportunity to review the situation.